Parkinson's - Alzheimer's - Dementia Testing

Parkinson's - Alzheimer's - Dementia

Genetics Institute of America currently offers analysis of 35 of the most clinically relevant genomic mutations associated with neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and genetic disorders that cause dementia. Genetic testing provides patients with the information, education, and most importantly, opportunity to make life-altering decisions.

The Parkinson’s – Alzheimer’s – Dementia panel is designed for individuals with a personal and/or family history of Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, or dementia to help establish or confirm a diagnosis, assess risks, and/or guide management. Recent studies have shown that approximately 10-15% of Parkinson’s disease cases can be attributed to a mutation in a single gene. Having a family history of one of these conditions may increase the risk of developing that condition. Genetic testing can also inform other family members (parents, siblings, and children) about their risk factors.

What We Offer

Experienced Personnel

Your patient's health is your most important asset. You should entrust it only to the best professionals.

Timely Analysis & Reports

Due to our research findings and technology, we are able to provide timely reports of genetic and specialty testing.

Quality and Safety

All scientists and personnel at Genetics Institute of America have been trained thoroughly to assist in any situation.

Immediate Service

Our panels are designed for steady progress, with every phase promptly implemented.

Practice Enrollment

(833) 443-6522

Speak to one of our representatives today to learn more about enrolling your practice.